The road to the border
That's when the last moment came.
The moment I last saw the streets of Damascus for the last time.
My family and I rode in our private car heading to Jordan by traveling by road.
It was only a few hours away from us.
I remember 10-year-old Aya looking at the streets.
Some demolished buildings and some existing ones.
And "Al-Sham City Center", which refers to the name of a mall that was in the city of Damascus..
I remember well my last look at it
I loved going there, especially to the electronic games floor there
Next to her is her little sister, Maya, who is 7 years old
And her brother, Muhammad, who did not exceed two years!
I remember my father who was driving the car with his youthful features, dyed hair and athletic body.
He was strong, solid and ready for this start.
We all depended on him and trusted him on this journey.
His failure is our failure, and his success is our success.
And my dear mother Reem, who, without us, would never have thought of leaving her family and going
can someone in the world sacrifice for someone like parents sacrifice their children's lives?
و عندها جاءت اللحظة الاخيرة
لحظة رؤيتي لشوارع دمشق لاخر مرة
ركبنا انا وعائلتي في سيارتنا الخاصة متجهين الى الاردن عن طريق السفر بالبر
حيث أنها لم تبعد الا بضع ساعات عنا
اتذكر آيه ذات ال10 اعوام وهي تنظر الى الشوارع
بعض المباني المهدمة و بعض المباني القائمة
و "الشام سيتي سنتر" الذي يشير الى اسم مول كان في مدينة دمشق ..اذكر جيدا نظرتي الاخيرة اليه
كنت احب الذهاب اليه وخصوصا الى طابق الالعاب الالكترونية فيه
و بجانبها اختها الصغيرة (مايا) ذات ال٧ اعوام
واخوها محمد الذي لم يتجاوز عامين !
اذكر ابي الذي كان يقود السيارة بملامحه الشابة وشعره المصبوغ وجسمه الرياضي
كان قويا وصلبا وجاهزا لهذه البداية
كنا جميعا معتمدين عليه وواثقين فيه في هذه الرحلة
ف فشله من فشلنا ونجاحه من نجاحنا
وامي الغالية (ريم) التي لو لولانا لما فكرت ابدا في ترك اهلها والذهاب
هل يمكن لاحد في العالم التضحية من اجل احد مثل تضحية الوالدين لحياة ابنائهم؟
La strada verso il confine
Fu allora che l'ultimo momento arrivò.
L'ultima volta che vidi le strade di Damasco.
La mia famiglia ed io percorriamo, sulla nostra auto, la strada verso la Giordania.
Il confine solo a poche ore da noi.
Ricordo quella piccola Aya di 10 anni, che guarda le strade: alcuni edifici demoliti e alcuni ancora in piedi,
ricordo bene l’ultimo sguardo verso l' "Al-Sham City Center”, il centro commerciale di Damasco.
Mi piaceva molto andarci, soprattutto al piano dei giochi elettronici.
Accanto a lei c’è la sorellina Maya, ha solo 7 anni, e suo fratello, Muhammad, che non ne ha ancora compiuti due!
Ricordo mio padre che guida l’auto, era giovane, con i capelli ancora neri ed il fisico atletico.
E’ forte, solido e pronto per quel nuovo inizio.
Tutti noi, in questo viaggio dipendevamo e ci fidavamo di lui.
Il suo fallimento è il nostro fallimento, il suo successo è il nostro successo.
E la mia cara mamma Reem, che, senza di noi, non avrebbe mai pensato di lasciare la sua famiglia e andare via.
Chi al mondo può sacrificare così tanto per qualcuno quanto i genitori sacrificano la loro stessa vita per i propri figli?