settembre 28, 2021time of reading 2.30 minutes A return with friendsAt Tekle and Welde's house, a year later. Meanwhile, the family has grown settembre 20, 2021reading time 2.30 minutes A new world“It's another world. I entered another world ”.Dahir repeats it several times, as soon as he emerged from Fiumicino airport and during the journey to his new home, on Thursday 16 September. The world we are used to, before today Dahir had only seen it through a screen, he had never been inside it.Twenty-four years old, Somali, he is one… novembre 18, 2020time of vision 6:00 minutes approx. 36 hoursWelde and Helen: video story of a long-awaited reunion. marzo 25, 2020time of vision 01:16 min. THE TEKLE'S PENCILLet's get to know Tekle and his extraordinary pencil, which is capable of narrating stories not only about personal situations, but also about the social framework in which he has found himself living. | |