luglio 20, 2021time of vision 5:00 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 4Human Factor proceeds between pauses, uncertainties, sudden accelerations. There is still a gap between the substance, the energy, the personalities that emerge in group meetings, and the contents of the individual stories. In this LBL, a sort of multi-handed chronicle to outline the moment of each author, seen from our individual and therefore subjective perspectives. luglio 06, 2021time of vision 2:31 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 3HumanFactor is a self-narration workshop that sees young men and women as protagonists, put in a position to express themselves with their own experiences and thoughts, from that often-missing perspective which may grant a new point of view to those who are not experiencing this process. And to understand new things.To understand that People is the keyword. | |