marzo 17, 2021Tempo della visione 77:38 minutes REVOLUTIONARY OF PEACEVideo of the live broadcast with Alganesh Fessaha, President of the NGO Gandhi Charity and Lia Beltrami, author and director of the film "Alganesh". A life at the forefront of the fight against human trafficking between Sinai and the Horn of Africa. Eritrean Gandhi has been defined: "Gandhi is the nickname of my father who has always made the revolution in Eritrea in a peaceful way". febbraio 25, 2021 THE GAMEWe are extremely grateful to Federico Scoppa and Nicola Malfisi, independent photojournalists, who provided us with a journey of words and images of the borders of the Italian territory. What is going on in the Balkans is not an emergency, but a question of system, and clear responsibility of Europe and the transit countries involved. | |