The first administrative step that asylum seekers must take under European and Italian law so that they can be correctly identified by the Italian police authorities when submitting an application for international protection. All of the Human Corridors beneficiaries were photoreported at the border police post at the Rome Fiumicino airport, the first border post they encountered in Italian, and therefore European, territory.
At the European level, in 2000 a system was established allowing comparison of fingerprint data collected in the member states. This system, EURODAC (Reg. 2725/2000), allows state authorities, before a foreigner applies for international protection, to check whether they have already submitted a similar request or if they have already been photoreported by the authorities of another European territory. This system, aimed at avoiding multiple requests for international protection by the same person in different European countries, is based on the principle of the first state of entry being the only one competent to evaluate a request for international protection, even if the foreigner then moves to another member state of the European Union This principle was established by the Dublin III Regulation on the right to asylum in the European Union.