index.php?&lim_news=40 index.php?&lim_news=20 luglio 20, 2021time of vision 5:00 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 4Human Factor proceeds between pauses, uncertainties, sudden accelerations. There is still a gap between the substance, the energy, the personalities that emerge in group meetings, and the contents of the individual stories. In this LBL, a sort of multi-handed chronicle to outline the moment of each author, seen from our individual and therefore subjective perspectives. luglio 06, 2021time of vision 2:31 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 3HumanFactor is a self-narration workshop that sees young men and women as protagonists, put in a position to express themselves with their own experiences and thoughts, from that often-missing perspective which may grant a new point of view to those who are not experiencing this process. And to understand new things.To understand that People is the keyword. giugno 07, 2021 THE CORRIDORS ARE STARTEDFinally the Humanitarian Corridors have been able to restart, as departures were blocked due to the pandemic After the one from Jordan that we talked about that came from Amman, Direct link, the one that left Addis Ababa arrived in the Fiumicino Airport on May 28th, organized and financed by the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) in collaboration with the Community of Sant'Egidio. maggio 26, 2021time of vision 60:00 minutes NEW CORRIDORSHuman Lines talks with the staff of CARITAS ITALIANA that is connecting from Amman and with the staff of CARITAS ASTI, one of the host communities. maggio 20, 2021time of vision 06:23 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 2It’s never easy to tell yourself: It is difficult to open one’s own world to others, when all too often one feels indifference or even worse hostility around oneself. It is difficult to give voice to all those thoughts that remain closed in their hearts, especially if you have been accustomed to grow up in a society where your voice, li… maggio 06, 2021time f vision 91:28 minutes BRAZILIAN TRAFFICKVideo of the live broadcast with Davide Tuniz and Rose Bertoldo connecting with Manaus. They speak of the concept of human trafficking in Brazil and the worsening socio-political situation with the advent of Bolsonaro. aprile 29, 2021time of vision 03.29 minutes HUMAN FACTOR | STORY LAB 1We invite you to enter our Human Factor Virtual Room, which presents a montage of stories and comments. aprile 28, 2021time of vision 86 minutes AGE OF INFORMATION?… aprile 19, 2021 AMERICA MAGAZINEWhen Italy struggled to settle refugees, privately-funded faith groups stepped up with a solution. The United States should do the same.
Laurie Johnston | David Sulewski marzo 24, 2021 AVVENIRE.ITCorridoi umanitari, primo bilancio di un’esperienza pilota, Sui primi profughi giunti in Italia per vie e legali e sicure tre anni fa si è concentrata la ricerca di Human Lines, condotta per l’Università Notre Dame dell’Indiana, negli Stati Uniti, dalla docente svizzera Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee.
di Paolo Lambruschi | |