marzo 24, 2021 AVVENIRE.ITCorridoi umanitari, primo bilancio di un’esperienza pilota, Sui primi profughi giunti in Italia per vie e legali e sicure tre anni fa si è concentrata la ricerca di Human Lines, condotta per l’Università Notre Dame dell’Indiana, negli Stati Uniti, dalla docente svizzera Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee.
di Paolo Lambruschi marzo 23, 2021time of vision 88 minutes COMPARISON ON HUMANITARIAN CORRIDORSIlaria presents a summary of the findings and analysis of the evaluation of the first three years of the Humanitarian Corridors from Ethiopia. It follows a dialogue with some of the direct protagonists involved in the hospitality in different communities marzo 17, 2021Tempo della visione 77:38 minutes REVOLUTIONARY OF PEACEVideo of the live broadcast with Alganesh Fessaha, President of the NGO Gandhi Charity and Lia Beltrami, author and director of the film "Alganesh". A life at the forefront of the fight against human trafficking between Sinai and the Horn of Africa. Eritrean Gandhi has been defined: "Gandhi is the nickname of my father who has always made the revolution in Eritrea in a peaceful way". | |